Terminal Introduction
A. Keypad
Our raffle terminals are very similar to the terminals used to pay with a debit or credit card that most people are familiar with. The keypad therefore is very simple to use and features specialized buttons to perform unique functions. The following diagram details the functions of these keys.

Figure 1 Keypad Overview Diagram
B. Battery Compartment
The battery compartment is found on the underside of the unit and uses one small tab on the bottom to secure it.

QUICK TIP: Sales are saved to FlashRAM so you needn’t worry about removing a battery while selling tickets. You won’t lose any sales. Simply remove it & install the new charged battery. You will need to be in Wi-Fi range to login again though if you are not using cellular!
You can turn off a terminal at any time as sales are save in the FlashRam. The terminals are just like a computer, once in awhile they should do a hard reboot by removing the battery for 10 seconds.
Figure 2 Battery Compartment on Underside

Figure 3 Battery Connector and Pulltab

Figure 4 Battery Connector
QUICK TIP: When installing the battery ensure the pull tab is on top as it makes it easier to remove the battery later.
C. Paper Compartment
The paper is stored at the top of the unit in a very easy to use compartment. There is no button required to open this compartment. The user simply needs to gently lift the tab on the transparent cover and pull upwards. The cover looks as follows:

QUICK TIP: Change the paper when you see a pink or red stripe on the edges of the paper. Replace the paper roll with the logo on the paper facing away from you so the blank white side is facing you.
There is no threading of paper. Sellers often want to thread the paper through the black roll, but it is a mistake.
Figure 5 Paper Roll Compartment on top of Terminal
D. Display Screen
The LED screen is backlit and is split into two areas – the hardware feedback area and the application area. The hardware area provides feedback on Wi-Fi strength, battery power, and whether or not the unit is printing. The application area provides the screens for the application which can include Ticket Sales, Raffle Information, or Administration Functions.

QUICK TIP: To save battery life the screen dims when not being used. To quickly turn it back on to full brightness simply hit a button
and it will return to full brightness. If it is a touch tone screen, you can touch the screen to turn on full brightness as well.
Figure 6 Terminal display screen
D1. Hardware Feedback Area
The hardware feedback area provides information related to the state of the terminal. For the operator the two most important of these are the Wi-Fi strength icon and the battery charge icon.

Wi-Fi Strength Icon
The terminal periodically checks Wi-Fi signal strength and reports it in the top left of the terminal screen. Each bar represents 25% signal strength.
Important! You need to be within Wi-Fi Range to update the server with any sales information or to pull information from the server.
Figure 7 Wi-Fi Signal Strength Icon

Battery Strength Icon
The battery gradually reduces in strength. When it turns red it is getting very low and may give you a percentage reading at this point.
Important! Remember when logging back in after changing the battery you will need to be in Wi-Fi range.
Figure 8 Battery Charge Icon

Cellular Strength Icon
The terminal periodically checks Cellular signal strength and reports it in the top center-left of the terminal screen. The terminal will operate in cellular or Wi-Fi.
Important! You need to be within Cellular Range to update the server with any sales information or to pull information from the server.
Figure 9.5 Cellular Strength Icon
D2. Application Area
The application area provides the ability to login, check jackpot or sales totals, and to of course sell tickets. These functions are generally organized in “Menus” which require you to hit a number in order to select a function.

QUICK TIP: QUICK TIP: CANCEL button will allow you to navigate back to previous menus.
Figure 10 Select a number to selet a function
D3. Time and Title Area
This area either provides feedback on which menu screen you are currently on or provides the current date and time.